Tag: bread

Hello and welcome!

As I publish my first post I’d like to take this opportunity to share more of my story and how I became motivated to start my own nutrition practice. Everybody’s health journey starts from different places, here is where mine began… I grew up near Seattle, and by American standards I was usually very healthy. Even when I was resistant to it, my mom always stressed the importance of nutritious eating habits and playing outside instead of watching TV. My dad also encouraged me to stay active and when I was a kid he was often involved in coaching sports


Summertime Smoothies

How to make a clean, healthy smoothie that will keep you nourished and happy for hours It’s getting hot which makes me want to break out the blender and make a refreshing smoothie instead of having something heavy for breakfast.  We’ve all seen an infinite amount of smoothie recipes out there.  But I’m not a fan of most of them.  Whenever I try to search for new ideas they usually have tons of sugar but very little protein, healthy fat and fiber.  This adds up to a breakfast that will not only make you tired, but put you on a


Functional nutrition

What it is and how it is different from conventional approaches Many of us are familiar with what dietitians do. But what sets integrative and functional dietitians apart and what do these words even mean? The word integrative refers to the integration of both conventional and alternative treatments when working with a client. So what is functional nutrition? It’s an approach that seeks to find the root cause of your health struggles and the underlying reasons for why the body is functioning a certain way. Functional dietitians strive to understand all aspects of you to figure out what your personal and unique needs are.


Flat Belly Tricks

Easy strategies to get rid of bloating More people than ever seem to be suffering from this and are desperately searching for solutions. There are many possible underlying reasons for this. While some root causes need more investigation and treatment, others require very simple remedies. If you ever feel this kind of pain, try these simple strategies that you can start implementing TODAY to start feeling better. Don’t eat when you’re stressed This is an obvious one, but it’s not just your waistline that appreciates this advice. Your digestive system will thank you too. Stress prevents digestive hormones, enzymes and



Why this ancient eastern healing system is still relevant today Ayurveda is a holistic healing system that dates back thousands of years. There are many overlaps between functional nutrition and Ayurveda. More importance is placed on disease prevention along with optimal appetite and digestion. According to this ancient practice, imbalances in appetite and digestive capacity will throw everything else off, which can then lead to disturbances in immunity, metabolism, accumulation of excess body fat, toxins and other inflammatory conditions. Below is an introduction to the some of the basic tenets of Ayurveda and how we can apply them to our own wellness philosophy


Summertime Smoothies Part II

3 simple recipes and variations Even though I eat healthy, I’m not a very structured person when it comes to my diet. I’m usually pretty flexible and I don’t like to make the same foods over and over again.  Sometimes it’s because: seasons change, there are certain ingredients I don’t have on hand, some things are more expensive than others at different times of the year, or I just like to try new things. For these reasons, I also don’t go by the book with most recipes. My approach is to take a basic recipe and describe different ways you can make it to


Confused about Gluten?

Here is a balanced perspective There is a lot of press in the media these days about gluten and whether or not we should be eating it. Many health experts have strong opinions on both sides with a black or white approach to the importance of eliminating it or making it a staple in the diet. There was even a hilarious South Park episode about the controversy. Much of the recent research makes a good case for avoiding or minimizing our exposure to gluten, although it is still a little fuzzy as to why we suddenly need to avoid something



What it is and what you should adopt from it often get asked about the Paleo diet. While there are clients that I have recommended this to, I don’t endorse it across the board. What works for some will not work for everyone else. I don’t even associate my own eating habits with single trends or patterns. My meals can vary throughout the year depending on the season, what is in my kitchen or what is on sale. There are pros and cons to all diets and even if you don’t want to follow a strict plan there are good


Homemade Sauerkraut

An easy way to promote gut health never used to like sauerkraut that much. Then as I learned more about the health benefits, and tasted the difference between the fresh kind that had live cultures and compared it to the shelf stable store bought stuff, I became more open minded about it. Not only does the unpasteurized sauerkraut from the refrigerated section taste so much better, it is full of good for your gut probiotics. Way more than you will find in any pill form. I started eating sauerkraut even more frequently once I tried making my own at home, and


How To Buy Generic Viagra Online?

Generics are full-fledged analogues of various branded drugs, including such well-known drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction as Viagra. Despite the fact that the modern pharmaceutical market offers a huge number of Viagra generics, many consumers still don’t know some of the nuances regarding both the generics themselves and the specifics of their acquisition. In this article, we will make every effort to ensure that you no longer have gaps in your knowledge about the various generics of Viagra. Particular attention will be paid to online shopping. Drug Name: Generic Viagra Tablet Strength: 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg,



Welcome to Integrative Nutrition and Wellness, an online nutrition practice that provides dietary counseling, health coaching, and access to specific lab testing for clients who want help with dietary strategies to manage their symptoms related to food sensitivities and wellness imbalances.